My mind was racing with thoughts trying to figure out where it may end up. I begin brainstorming ideas for this blog, Iowa City, Des Moines, Hawkeye Football, and working. Since moving home from Iowa City to Des Moines has been a big change for me. Living there for the last three years I thought of Des Moines as a vacation away from home during the summer. Now that I have been home since May I realize how much I miss Iowa City at times. There was always something going on whether it was school functions, home football games or just the atmosphere it was all very entertaining. As a student I enjoyed going to tailgate and sit in the student section at all the home Hawkeye football games. I realize how much I miss that and now have to settle for watching them on TV; it’s not quite the same. My time in Iowa City was fun; exciting and definitely a learning experience of what it’s like to live on your own, taking care of your own bills, getting up for class, working to earn spending money, plus having to go buy your own groceries.
The real world started when I found my Internship with Glazer’s Distributors of Iowa. I knew it wouldn’t be easy but would need to be organized, responsible and tackle any challenges that might come up. The freedom I once had living in Iowa City would be gone and less free time. Waking up at 7 most days wasn’t fun and working 8-4 can be rough at times. I have a better understanding of what my parents go through during a normal work week. Having now done it, my Internship has been phenomenal and fun. I have meet a lot of new people, made some friends and best of all getting the real life experience that I read about in a textbook or talk about it in class. My job working as a Merchandiser and Sales Representative in training has given me the opportunity to use what I learned in class. To go out and network with buyers, attend Holiday buying parties, attending weekly meetings with Representatives from products we distribute.
It has been a challenge to accomplish everything on time, working long days you’re tired by the time you’re off you just want to go to bed. Though that’s part of life and having used what I learn in college to be successful has help me in becoming more organized in the workplace. Moving forward I feel more grown up now than I did before. Hopefully with this internship I show my supervisor that I am a hard worker, responsible and willing to test myself. I would love to further my career at Glazer’s and gain the experience under my belt if offered a job once I complete this program.