Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Stick with Reading" Program

For my service project, I didn't want it to be something random that I had to go find to do. I wanted to somehow tie it into working within the Buccaneer Organization. After a week or two of trying to think of something I could do, I simply asked my boss if the team did anything regarding community service and he quickly stated, "absolutely." I dug a little deeper to see what the team did throughout the community and one stuck out. The "Stick with Reading" Program.

As opposed to the typical, simple player appearances, this program enabled me to completely control it's existence within the organization. I asked if I could take it over, and it came as a relief to the staff that I would do it, so it was a win win. The Stick with Reading program was created to offer Des Moines area elementary schools the opportunity to have players visit the students in the classrooms and inspire them to pick up good reading habits while promoting the sport of hockey.

After several hours of collecting teachers and principals e-mails for the 7 major school districts in and around Des Moines, I sent out the information and registration forms. With scheduling finishing up a couple weeks ago, the visits have been going on for about a month now, and we are booked clear until the beginning of February.

The visits are taking place every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11am. A typical visit includes appearances to about 3 rooms within the school, sometimes doubling up classes into one. The players read a story to the kids, whether it's a hockey book or one about something they are learning, that is chosen by the teacher. After the book is read, the questions are unleashed. While I don't participate in the reading, I can't help but be amused by some of the questions asked. The kids are always very curious to know who the players are and what their favorite things are, but the highlight of these visits took place last week when one student asked who I was. "I'm Doug, I work for these guys [players]," and a first grader proceeded to tell me, "you're Doug from the Hangover!"

Anyways, I like to think that I'm providing these kids with some inspiration to try their hardest so they can go as far in whatever they want to just like the players. By setting up and running this program this year with the Bucs, it makes me feel important since I am the one in charge of it, even getting the little contact link on the team website.

-Doug L.

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