Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thoughts on the Semester...

At the beginning of the semester, I was unsure what to expect out of this internship program and was self-doubting after receiving the load of information during orientation. Jan spoke about her “best intern” and all of the things they accomplished which made me uncertain if I could make that big of a difference. From talking with previous interns, I knew that I should prepare myself to be thrown in the mix of things. Thankfully I had this prior knowledge, because it could not have been better said and helped me deal with the rush of emotions I had during the first week. I also had no idea what I wanted to do after graduation (now in a week and a half!), but The Des Moines Center Internship Program has challenged me in new ways and given me more insight and confidence.

One of the most challenging things for me has been prioritizing and multitasking on several projects while other projects popped up. I guess I’m the kind of person that gets really involved in one project and does not like switching gears before I reach a good stopping point. But eventually I became more comfortable with setting aside my current focus, be it responding to emails or writing newsletter articles, to attend a meeting or work on another project. At first, the interruption was frustrating and difficult for me but became easier and I value the learning experience.

This program has been a very valuable experience both personally and professionally. As a marketing major, I have participated in several class projects but they can’t compare to the growth, understanding, and knowledge gained in an actual work setting. Learning how to work with different personalities and generations, multitasking under pressure, and being responsible for a variety of tasks has challenged me and helped me discover my strengths and goals. I also have a better idea of the types of work that I enjoy and feel that this program has been a great transition to the ‘real world.’

Picture: My supervisor Jan Kaiser, Author David Herlihy, and I after David's program and book signing.

By: Lauren

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